This Privacy Policy explains who is responsible for the personal data of those Users, individuals, and corporations (hereinafter, “Users”) who access and/or use the services of the Five Star Customer Experience website and/or mobile application, and how the aforementioned personal data is collected, shared and processed (hereinafter, the “Personal Data”), as well as the rights that Users have in this regard and how they can exercise them.

This Privacy Policy also explains how we process ‘Personal Data’ about individuals in the European Union (EU), as required by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

We will review this policy regularly and may update it from time to time.



Five Star Customer Experience Ltd.
Registered in the UK under No. 13060260.
Address: 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, UK.



To create an account on the website as a User or use other services on our websites or applications, it may be necessary for you to provide us with the following information: name and surname, email address, position, professional email address, professional phone number.

Private Users and/or Provider Users: You can also share with us your academic data, work experience, skills, preferences, interests, a photograph, your city or location. You can also upload your C.V. on our website in PDF format.

Business Users: You can also share bank and tax details of the contracting company of the services offered on the Website, as well as details of the actions that Business Users carry out through our websites and/or online tools, and the provision of our services if this is applicable.

We also receive data from your devices and networks, including location data, information about your IP address, proxy server, operating system, web browser, and plug-ins.

On the other hand, we collect data through cookies in the way described below in our Cookies Policy.



The objective of the Five Star Customer Experience Website is to offer professional consulting services, staff recruitment, staff training in person and online, measurement of the customer experience online, by phone and in person, market research, marketing and advertising services, and administrative support services.

Specifically, the Personal Data that you provide us when registering and / or using our web portal and / or mobile application will be used for the following purposes:

  • Creation of an account on the Five Star Customer Experience Website.
  • Proper provision of the services, and to attend to the queries that the client may have, or to notify them about changes in the services, and provide information that is relevant for their use.
  • Make it possible to contact job seekers or purchasing managers.
  • Allow search for your profile as a provider.
  • Management of our services and daily business tasks, including reminders, technical notices, updates, security alerts, and support messages, among others.
  • Sending commercial communications, surveys, newsletters, invitations to webinars, to inform you of our products, services, and events, if we have your consent to do so.
  • Improve our services by studying your behavior as a user through cookies to adapt them to your needs and tastes. You can manage your cookies by following the instructions indicated in our Cookies Policy.
  • Show you smart advertising. Based on your browsing data that we collect through the use of cookies, we will show you personalized advertising adapted to your tastes and preferences, as long as we have your consent to do so. No automated decisions will be made based on this profile that produces legal or significant effects for you. The commercial profile that is developed through cookies may be used by a third-party site to show you personalized advertising. You can configure your preferences as indicated in our Cookies Policy.
  • Send newsletters and promotions with advertising from Five Star Customer Experience and partners or collaborating partners.
  • Use your data to generate and share aggregated information that does not identify you for analytical and statistical purposes, which gives us a better knowledge of the users of our website as a whole and helps us to offer them a better service.
  • Prevention of abuse and fraud in the use of our services (for example, fraudulent activities, denial of service attacks, sending spam, among others).
  • Transfer of data to public bodies and authorities, as long as they are required per the legal and regulatory provisions.

The legal basis for the treatment of your Personal Data for the aforementioned purposes is the execution of a contract with Five Star Customer Experience in relation to the purposes indicated in our Legal Conditions and the user’s consent.



The Personal Data that you provide us will be kept as long as your account on our website remains active or to the extent necessary to provide you with our services, until you request its deletion, as well as for the time necessary to comply with legal obligations.



During the course of our activities and for the same purposes as those described in this Privacy Policy, your Personal Data may be processed by our human resources, purchasing and commercial department, as well as by specialized service providers, including companies of our business group, who help us provide our services and only when necessary.

These providers may be in jurisdictions that do not provide the same levels of security as the jurisdiction where you are located, in which case, the treatment of Personal Data by Five Star Customer Experience will imply that they are transferred internationally.

Your Personal Data may also be communicated in cases where there is a legal obligation to do so.



To stop receiving alerts or commercial communications, you must request by clicking on the corresponding link that appears at the bottom of the email received. In some cases, it will be necessary to indicate the reason for said cancellation by clicking on the applicable option. Also, keep in mind that the unsubscribe request must be made for each category of the email you receive.



As the owner of the Personal Data that we process following the provisions of this Policy, you have the following rights:

  • Access or collect your Data: you can request a copy of your Personal Data from us.
  • Change or rectify Data: you can edit part of your Personal Data through your private area. Likewise, you can ask us to modify, update or correct your Data if it is not accurate.
  • Delete your Data: you can ask us to delete all or part of your Personal Data.

You must bear in mind that the aforementioned rights are subject to certain limitations, as established by the applicable legislation. The individual requests corresponding to the exercise of the above rights will be processed within the period assigned by the relevant legal regulations, which begins from the moment Five Star Customer Experience confirms the request. You must bear in mind that Five Star Customer Experience may charge a fee for the management of subsequent requests that come from the same person, provided that the applicable legislation allows it.

If you wish to make use of any of your rights, you can contact us using the contact information that appears at the beginning and the bottom of this policy; We will manage your request per the applicable legislation.

If after contacting us your query or complaint is not resolved, you can also contact the data protection authority and other competent public bodies for any claim arising from the processing of your Personal Data.

Concerning the Personal Data provided to the service contracting companies (Business Users) with which you have contacted, you can exercise your rights against them.



Five Star Customer Experience cares about guaranteeing the security and confidentiality of Personal Data. For this reason, adequate security measures and technical means have been adopted to prevent their loss, misuse, or access without the authorization of users. Five Star Customer Experience also has procedures for action in the event of any suspected violation of the security of the Personal Data that we process. Five Star Customer Experience will notify the user and the applicable authority in the event of a breach of the security of Personal Data, when required by law. Once Five Star Customer Experience has received the Personal Data, Five Star Customer Experience will use strict procedures and security measures to prevent unauthorized access.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, it should be mentioned that unfortunately, the transmission of information through the Internet is not completely secure. Although Five Star Customer Experience has adopted security measures and technical means to protect Personal Data, it cannot guarantee the security of data transmitted over the Internet, therefore, any transmission is at your own risk.



A cookie is a small file placed on your computer, smartphone or other electronic device that enables the functionalities of our websites. For example, cookies allow us to identify your device, offer you secure access to our websites, and even help us know if someone is trying to access your account from another device. Cookies also track the user session, improve the loading time of a website, avoid displaying repetitive information and help us to show you ads relevant to you.

We use cookies to improve your browsing experience as a user, being the best way to offer you personalized content of interest through the web portal and mobile application. They also allow us to offer relevant advertising based on your interests.

The cookies we use on this website / mobile application are the following:

  • Authentication: they allow to show the appropriate information and to personalize your experience and help us to determine if the user has accessed the account or not
  • Functionalities and services: they are essential for the correct functioning of the services. They provide personalized content and functionality.
  • Analytics: They allow us to monitor the performance of our websites and online tool. For example: analyze behavior patterns, number of users who access, sections visited, duration of navigation, create statistical reports on web traffic, global audience.

The third-party cookies that we host on our web portal / mobile application are the following:

  • Analytics: They allow us to monitor the performance of our websites and / or tools, as indicated above. The third parties that could have access to this information are: Google Analytics: To consult the privacy policy about the cookies of the aforementioned third parties, we recommend accessing their legal conditions through the previous links.
  • Advertising: allow you to manage and adapt the content to the requested service, and the advertising spaces offered, where appropriate, on our websites. In this way, we can analyze Internet browsing behavior and show the user the ads that best suit their interests. Also, cookies are necessary to manage advertising campaigns, by following various guidelines such as the number of times an ad has been seen, or to improve and manage the exposure of ads, avoiding the user the advertising that has already been shown.

Advertising cookies also allow us to inform, optimize and report our ad impressions, other uses of advertising services, interactions with these impressions and advertising services affect visits to the site, and offer advertising based on previous visits that the user has. made to our website.

Control and deactivation of cookies

It is possible to deactivate and / or eliminate cookies, following the instructions of the Internet browser. However, it should be noted that, in this case, your ability to use our services may be significantly reduced.

You can also modify your cookie storage preferences by accessing the following link: Manage consent 

External alternatives:

‘Opt-out’ (deactivation) for each type of cookies: the use of this system can install a “rejection” cookie on your computer to request to deactivate cookies effective.

Other third-party tools available online: they allow you to detect all cookies from each website visited and manage their deactivation.

“Opt-out” systems available for Google Analytics:

Five Star Customer Experience is not responsible for the content and veracity of the privacy policies of third parties referenced in this cookie policy. To resolve any related questions, you should contact us through the contact form.



To access or use our web site you must be 18 years of age or older. If we become aware that a minor has provided us with information without parental authorization, we will delete such information and delete the minor referral account.



We may update this Privacy Policy by posting an updated version on the Website. If we make any modification that we consider could affect your rights, we will notify you by email or using a notice on our Website.

We recommend that you periodically review the Privacy Policy to be updated with all the news. Likewise, you declare that your continued use of our services, after publishing or, where appropriate, sending a notice about our changes to this Privacy Policy implies that the processing of your Personal Data will take place following the updated Privacy Policy.

If you do not agree to any of the changes, you have the full right to close your user account on the website.



If you have a query or complaint about the way we handle your personal information, or if you wish to exercise your privacy rights about the personal information we hold, you can contact our Privacy Officer as follows:

By email by clicking on the following link:

By mail:

Five Star Customer Experience Ltd.
Attn: Privacy Officer
Address: 128 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX, UK.

For the GDPR, our Privacy Officer is also our Data Protection Officer (DPO).

While we strive to resolve complaints quickly and informally, if you wish to proceed with a formal privacy complaint, we ask that you submit your complaint in writing to our Privacy Officer, by mail or email as indicated above. We will acknowledge your grievance within 10 business days of receipt.

If we do not resolve your privacy complaint to your satisfaction and you are in the European Union, you can choose to file a complaint with your local Data Protection Authority (DPA). The list of DPAs can be found at